Building Green

Smart insulation not only saves you money, it helps the environment. If your home is properly insulated you will be able to maintain a comfortable living and working environment in all weather conditions, and your energy consumption will be lowered. Your well-insulated building will contribute to a reduction in pollution being emitted into the atmosphere because less fossil fuels will be burned to heat or cool your property.

Some insulation products are made from a high percentage of recycled products. These products reduce landfill waste and can provide wonderful insulation for years to come.

Our Icynene® spay foam insulation is made of 99% air and emits no off-gases after installation. This product improves indoor air quality when combined with a good HVAC system. Icynene® also dramatically reduces a building's energy loss. It extends the life of a building by minimizing the flow of airborne moisture that produces condensation, breeds mold growth, and leads to structural decay. Here is a short list of the benefits of using a green solution like Icynene:

  • 100% water-blown and contains no HCFCs, HFAs, HFCs, or formaldehyde
  • Helps prevent mold and reduces the flow of allergens
  • Extends the life of a building by reducing moisture and decay
  • 99% air and would occupy less space in a landfill
  • Produces a quieter internal environment by reducing airborne sound (traffic, airplanes, voices, neighbors)
  • Also reduces wall vibration noise from pipes and HVAC systems

Here are more building green details for your review.

Have a question? We at Priority 1 Construction Services are happy to help you!